We all know the point of views against and for the iPhone. And also know the comparisons stuck between iPhones and Android phones. You want to buy a new phone and are not sure about your choice what to go for. This article will let you know which one is the best for you to use. Here are some 5 apex benefits of iPhone against any android phone:


  • The common mistaken belief is that smart phones are too hard for usage and it’s true that most of them are difficult to use. Besides, iPhones are ease to be personified.


  • IPhones have the largest range of app store to use on any operating system.  They offer app to its users more than 775,000 and most of them are totally free. Furthermore, they have tools for every type of users of every age group and of every field related communities.


  • IPhones have most reliable security apps to resist security and hacking and issues are compared to others.  The iPhone doesn’t have NFC chip which usually a key source to help any hacker to any steal any important data from your device.


  • IPhones 5 and Samsung S3 are recently tested within a drop test. In result the S3 got lots of damage rather than the iPhone 5. IPhones 5 remained undamaged with a couple of scratches. As a conclusion iphones are the safest sets to avoid dropped or accidents damages which help it to survive for the long period.


  • Most of the IPhones app stores have Genius bars which help you to sort out all issues regarding your set. It will help you to get free upgrades and substitute to hardware if required. Furthermore, help you out with appointments in normal necessary conditions with limited number.

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