Exercises for Busy People

Exercises for Busy People

In old days the nature of work is different from today’s work in back days’ the nature of the work demanded hard work (manual labor) but now a days mostly our work restricted to sitting idle in the office for hours with our bums attached to our seats. This lifestyle affects us very badly firstly chances of occurrence of diseases are high now a days and secondly our fitness level is not up to the mark that’s why we become ill very easily. We know that now a day’s people become very busy and they don’t have time to go to gym and do exercise. But don’t worry we have a solution for your problem.

Here are the few types of exercises which will make you fit and healthy which don’t require any instruments to do and the best part is you can do these type of exercise in your daily routine at any place at any time.

Always Use Stair

If you want to be fit and healthy but you don’t have time to go to gym then make it sure you should always use stairs instead of elevators which will help you in keeping your muscles fit beside this it will burn the calories.

The Wall Sit

If you want to strengthen your lower muscles like thigh muscles and hips then wall sit is best exercise for you. As the name suggest first you stand straight touching your back with the wall and after that bend the knees and bend your body downward but straight your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 30 to 40 seconds.

The Shoulder Shrug

Yes shoulder shrug has so many benefits it’s a simple exercise which you can do it at any time. You can do Shoulder shrug by raising your both shoulders up toward the ears and hold for 10 seconds Repeat it for 10 time for better results.

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