Hair Fall Remedies

Good hair plays an important role in the beauty and personality of a person. Hair fall is a very common issues now a days, as people are not taking good diet which is very essential for good hair growth.

  • There are some vitamins which are very essential for good hair growth such as vitamin A, B, C, D and E. Moreover, iron, magnesium, protein, biotin and zinc also plays a vital role in hair care. If you are not getting enough of these in your daily diet use supplements.
  • There are also many treatments for hair fall problem. If you want to reduce your hair fall, massage coconut oil on the scalp of your head it will nourish the tissues and results in less hair fall.
  • Aloe Vera gel is very good to stop hair fall. You can directly apply the gel to the scalp and massage it, wait for few hours and wash it. Do this twice a week for best results.
  • Oiling is very good for hair growth as regular massaging of scalp will leads to stimulation of blood flow to the scalp which results in good hair growth.
  • For better result mix olive oil, mustard oil and castor oil and massage thrice a week it will leads to better and healthy growth of hair and stops hair fall.
  • Neem has very effective hair benefits as it helps to keep lice and dandruff away, boil neem leaves in water until the water level falls to half then cool it and rinse off your hair with the mixture once a week.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water as hot water is very bad for hair. Always use cold water or water at room temperature to rinse off you’re your hair.
  • Applying the mixture of egg and yogurt results in shiny, silky and fabulous hair.
  • Moreover, rubbing and combing wet hair also results in hair fall so don’t rub and comb wet hair, be gentle to your hair. By applying these tips you can easily and effectively fight against your hair fall problem.

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