How to improve emotional intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) may usually be termed as the power to comprehend, properly manage, and effectively express one’s personal feelings, as well as to indulge and determine successfully with those of others. Following is all you need to know in order to improve your emotional intelligence:


In the world of today, every other person has to experience major or minor level of stress either directly or indirectly in his life.This may be due to multiple reasons such as disappointment,depression,grief,sorrow,etc. But what is important for you in such a case is actually your methodology by means of whichyou’re able totackle situations that are stressful and can draw the distinction between your emphatic attitudes versus those that responsive in nature.

Meanwhile,when you are under pressure, the crucialelement to be kept in mind by you must be to notonly keep yourself cooland calm but also to do the same for all others in your surroundings.

In this regard,Harriet Lerner, a prominent psychologist and poet from America argues thatbeing who we are requires that we can talk openly about things that are important to us, that we take a clear position on where we stand on important emotional issues, and that we clarify the limits of what is acceptable and tolerable to us in a relationship.

Self-awareness constitutes the foundation of Emotional Intelligence or EQ. This is becauseyou as an individualpossess a strong understanding of yourself and thiscan greatly offer you with standpointsthat are based on enhanced precision of how you are coming across to others. It also marks the tendency of optimism and tolerance in your personality.

In order to enhance your self-awareness, simply attempt to reflect and review on your plus points, excelling opportunities, your preferences and your socio-cultural values. This can, to a greater extent make you prepared for even the most complex situations and can also do a lot concerning your EQ.

Observe all aroundyou to know how events unfold. This is particularly to establish in you the ability of becoming emotionally stable.  In your day to day life, you’ll surely observe that emotionally intelligent people are largely receptive to hearing and considering feedback of others. Yes this is absolutely right that you are left with two simple options, either to support the other guy or to oppose his view.Being able to weightheresponse of the other guy, can help you guard against blind spots and assist you in understanding if your behaviors are having effects on what you are planning.

By listening empathetically to the other person in conversation, you will also be in a position to produce the space for taking your own thoughts, ideas, feelings and notions into account. For you, listening can essentially be an assertive gesture, because doing so intentionally helps managestressful situations of any redundantperniciousness

Putting the above techniques into practice can definitely make you understand who you are, what your worth is and ultimately guarantees for you an enhanced emotional intelligence.

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