Skin Care Isn’t a Complicated Thing to Worry About

Skin Care Isn’t a Complicated Thing

Well, I’m not a dermatologist or a professional beautician, but I still believe that skin care isn’t a big problem to worry about. Jeez, am I crazy or something? Why on earth would I think that? Let me explain.

First, Let me ask if I know some certain secrets. Have I discovered a magical skin care formula? Am I a conjurer? No, not at all, but I have integrated some basic changes to my lifestyle so that I look as young as a teenager, as awesome as a Hollywood star and act as smart as James Bond.

So, what are these amazing lifestyle changes that have helped me breathe life back into my dull and lifeless skin? Where should I start? First of all, I’d like to recommend and declare that every individual has a different skin type and we shouldn’t use a skin care product without a prescription unless it’s produced amazing results for our friend, colleague or for any of our family members. By doing so, we actually expose our delicate skin to possible damage.

beauty n health

  • Determine your skin type and use specific skin care plan

I should say it openly that we’re negligent regarding our skin type, needs and specifications. We really don’t care about our skin problems until or unless we have to prepare for a party or some special function. And usually, in such situation—we go for instant-action beauty creams and other products without knowing our skin specification. Most of the time we succeed in achieving our primary purpose of instant beautification but we jeopardize our skin’s health. So, it’s necessary for us to know our skin type and pick the right products designed specifically for us.

  • Delicate facial features need extreme care

Our face is composed of delicate cells and some areas such as lips, eye contour and other regions are highly sensitive. Although each part of our face and body needs extreme care, these sensitive areas contain fragile tissues. It’s for this reason that special care should be taken for maintaining your healthy skin.

  • Gentle cleansing and moisturizing

Skin cells are extremely sensitive. It’s necessary that we should take care of delicate skin cells while cleansing and moisturizing. Ladies do apply extensive makeup and then apply extreme measures to remove it. Such extra pressure can lead to skin damage. It’s necessary that we should handle skin gently and use pH neutral products for removal of our makeup. Moreover, our skin needs a regular intake of water as it’s made up of seventy percent water and the epidermis contains almost fifteen percent water. Regular moisturizing keeps our skin healthy and glowing.

  • Protection against sun

It’s necessary to protect our skin against radioactive waves and sun burn. Solar filters are necessary to protect our fragile skin cells against dangerous sun rays.

  • Get rid of external stress

Tensions and stress can prove to be injurious for overall health that is then portrayed by your skin. It’s necessary that we should take care against external stress, smoke, pollution and tensions.

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