Yahoo name will become history

Yahoo name will become history

Yahoo name will become history Yahoo has gone through a lot of financial difficulties and it has been a tough time for the bad guys to lose their account information. Despite being one of the long-established companies, Yahoo has been in a great deal of financial difficulties recently and has been having a hard time…

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New era begins in Instagram

New era begins in Instagram

New era begins in Instagram The statistics and advertising features for the Instagram Story feature have been announced. Now you can advertise in Instagram stories, and statistics of the content will also be visible. The Instagram Stories used by 100 million people a day in October are used by 150 million people a day today….

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Good News for Whatsapp users

Good News for Whatsapp Users

Good News for Whatsapp Users Whatsapp is getting ready to bring more innovation to its users. With the update, the messages sent by mistake will be edited and sent again. In 2016, whatsApp was the most popular feature for users, and the video conversation was soon to be implemented. WhatsApp, who has witnessed the sending…

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