Yoga You Can Do Anywhere

Yoga You Can Do Anywhere

Is Yoga Important? If you ask this question to yogis they will respond “Yes.” In their opinion it can help to clear the mind thoughts and evoke positive feelings and relax the body muscles. Basically yoga is an ancient art which help the yogis in improving their Lifestyle, dealing with stress better and happiness.

In this era people are too busy due to this they are not able to do yoga because they don’t have time and place to do it but don’t worry we have a solution for your problem. Here are few types of yoga which you can do in just 10-15 minutes and beside this you can do this anywhere any time at any place the best part of this is you don’t need any instrument for these types of yoga.

Chair pose


How to do it:

First stand straight and raise your arms straight over your head and take a deep breath at the same time. After that push your shoulders down and bend yourself like as you are sitting in a chair and then come back to the original position raise your arms straight. Repeat this 3 to 4 times for better results for more understanding there is a picture shown below.

Forward bend

How to do it:

It starts from the chair pose and in this first raise your arms up towards ceiling and then bend your body toward the ground as much as possible and after bending take a deep breath and Repeat this from 3 to 4 times for better results for more understanding there is a picture shown below.


Plank pose

How to do it:

First of all Place your hands on the ground with shoulder fully stretched and you have to maintain the straight plank position for this you have to fully stretch your feet back and spread your fingers out as much as possible after maintain position rotate your shoulders and put weight on one shoulder. take 6 breaths at each pose. Repeat this from 3 to 4 times for better results for more understanding there is a picture shown below.


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